Mom leaves powerful note on “disrespectful” son’s door

Most grown-ups know that adulting seems deceptively easy when viewed through the eyes of an inexperienced child, and if you don’t, you should take note.

There’s a nicely powered home to live with features like food on the table and unlimited internet use. And how those things got there isn’t nearly as simple as a child might believe.

One mother, wanting to teach her disrespectful son that “nothing comes for free” found a hilarious way to call out the 13-year-old who wasn’t ready for the responsibilities of an adult. Keep reading to learn how this mom used a “real world” lesson to discipline her son!

In 2015, Heidi Johnson was having trouble with her defiant 13-year-old son Aaron, who she writes “wants the perks of growing up without the responsibility that comes with it.”

At the time, Aaron was earning a “teeny tiny bit of money” as a YouTuber and refused to follow his mom’s instructions about completing his homework. The young rebel stormed out of her room and declared “he was a free person” as he was “making money.”

Responding to his behavior, the single mother penned a tough love letter to Aaron and shared it on Facebook, a post that after almost 10 years has gone viral again.

The mom, who lives in Venice Italy, said when her son saw the note on his door, he crumpled it up, tossed it on the floor and stormed out of the apartment.

The kid just needed some time to think and she needed time to repossess some of the property in his room.

“Once he had time to think about his wrongs, he asked what he could do to start re-earning privileges,” she said, adding that he later collected items from his room that she missed and after giving them to her, he asked what he could do to start earning them back.

“It was never really about having him pay me back; it was to help him gain an appreciation of what things cost. He recognized right away that he couldn’t pay rent, utilities or for food,” she explains.